Riffle Book Deals for 8/7/17

Margaret George
A New York Times Bestseller: An exquisite page-turner with a cast of irresistible, legendary characters—Odysseus, Hector, Achilles, Menelaus, Priam, Clytemnestra, Agamemnon, as well as Helen and Paris themselves.
$1.99 Previously $19.95
Through August 7, 2017
Category: Bestsellers
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Chil Rajchman
A New York Times Bestseller; Chil Rajchman was twenty-eight when he arrived at Treblinka in 1942. At the extermination camp, he was forced to work as a “barber,” shaving the heads of victims, and a “dentist,” pulling gold teeth from corpses. He escaped, to share his terrible tale.
$1.49 Previously $17.99
Through August 7, 2017
Category: Memoir/Biography
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